上海佑戈金属科技 (YOOGLE )是众多金属表面技术的**者,可在多种金属板带材表面采用德国ConticoatingTM 纳米镀层技术,使金属带材或板材表面形成不同的特殊金属膜层,这种特殊的金属膜层具有如下显着特点: YOOGLE has developed a ConticoatingTM (physical vapor deposition) process with Coil to coil type continuous megnetron sputtering coating of full width strip , Our process ensures coating of the whole strip surface and repeated quality from batch to batch. ● 坚硬的表面,较具耐磨性。(硬度高达6000HV) ● 丰富的颜色,具有良好的装饰性。(如钢琴黑、烟灰、宝石蓝、香槟色、玫瑰金等) ● 附着力较强,达到ASTM 5B标准 ● 耐腐蚀能力**强,抗盐雾试验可达1000Hrs以上 如果是ConticoatingTM金属带材,可在连续弯折、冲压、辊压成型等加工工艺过程中,所有的镀膜层都不易脱落,表现出其优良的加工性能和膜层本身的优良特性,,它们常被用在具有功能性用途和部份高端装饰行业。 ConticoatingTM metal strip is suit to the continuous bending, stamping, roll forming processes, the coating layers are not easy to fall off from metal strip surface, it also excellent processing performance and the film have advantages itself.All Yoogle coated materials often application to the functional purpose and some high-end trim industry. 可适应金属基带材质CAN BE SUIT TO METAL GRADE /不锈钢Stainless steel (SUS304\SUS301\SUS430J1L\SUS442\SUS316L etc) /铝合金Aluminum alloy (3003\3004\5052\6061\7075 etc) /钛合金 Titanium alloy is available(TA1\TA2 \TA8 etc) 可适应金属基带表面CAN BE SUIT TO METAL FINISHES Mirror finish(No.8) 2B(TR) SB BA HL 提供尺寸范围DIMENSION 厚度Thickness 0.05 to 30mm 宽度 Width Down to 1500mm 长度 Length Sheet or Coil (卷带或是平板) 更多产品了解,请登录上海佑戈金属科技有限公司官网或是电话咨询!